Egipčanska kinološka zveza – zamrznitev statusa v FCI

Delovni prevod:

Po korespondenčni seji 30.03.2022 se je FCI odločil da do razjasnitve vseh pravnih okoliščin glede identitete predstavnikov v Egiptu, do preklica prekinja vse relacije z egipčanskimi kinološkimi organizacijami.

To pomeni, da:

  • Egipčanska kinološka zveza (Egyptian Kennel Federation, v nadaljevanju EKF)  ne sme organizirati razstav s podelitvijo nazivov FCI (CACIB). Vse že odobrene prireditve za leto 2022 so trenutno v suspenzu.
  • Egipčanski kinološki sodniki ne smejo soditi na FCI razstavah.
  • EKF ne more registrirati novih psarn.
  • Prošnje za mednarodne šampionate vzrediteljev/razstavljalcev EKF so zamrznjene.
  • Eksportni pedigreji EKF niso več priznani s strani članic FCI ali njenih pogodbenih partnerjev.

Egyptian Kennel Federation (EKF)
Further to its online meeting on 30/03/2022, the FCI General Committee informs the members and contract partners that it has decided, with immediate effect and until all doubts have been legally cleared up regarding the situation and identity of its representative in Egypt, to freeze all relations with any national canine organisation in Egypt.
▪ the Egyptian Kennel Federation (EKF) is not allowed to run FCI international CACIB shows:
the awarding of CACIB at international shows already scheduled for 2022 is suspended until
further notice.
▪ no EKF judge is allowed to officiate at FCI international CACIB shows;
▪ no EKF kennel name can be registered by the FCI;
▪ the requests for the titles of FCI International Champion for EKF breeders/exhibitors are
withheld and not homologated;
▪ the export pedigrees issued by EKF are not recognized anymore by the other FCI members
and contract partners.
We thank you for informing all your clubs, members and judges about this decision