Sporočilo FCI glede konflikta Rusija/Ukrajina ter možnost donacij

spodaj posredujemo sporočilo FCI v zvezi z ruskim napadom na ukrajinsko ozemlje. Mnogi od vas, se na nas obračate z željo po pomoči živalim – trenutno so humanitarne poti v Ukrajino še zelo omejene. V primeru, da bi radi pomagali vam svetujemo, da se obrnete dirketno na že vzpostavljene poti humanitarne pomoči – https://www.rks.si/sl/Novice/pomoc-prebivalcem-Ukrajine/
Ko bo FCI javil podatke o posebnem bančnem računu, katerega sredstva bodo namenjena članom Kinološke zveze Ukrajine, jih bomo nemudoma objavili na naši spletni strani.

FCI Position about the Conflict Russia/Ukraine

To FCI Members and Contract Partners

The FCI and its General Committee officially condemn the invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This conflict and aggression cannot leave anybody indifferent and we all feel concerned, sad, and angry. The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Army has also put entire families of our dog community in complete distress. This war has placed our breeders and their dogs at great risk, directly threatening their welfare and their lives. Many had to flee, others are surviving in precarious conditions, hiding in shelters where food and basic commodities are becoming very scarce. Yet, in these terrible and trying times, they did not abandon their dogs!
These horrifying circumstances contradict the written priorities and welfare recommendations of the FCI, as well as our policy and aims.
The situation has led the FCI General Committee to hold an extraordinary meeting on Sunday, 27 February 2022.
Important decisions were made, within the legal limits of the FCI and its General Committee, based on the FCI Statutes and Standing Orders.
From the 1st March 2022, and until further notice, the Russian Kynological Federation (RKF) will not be allowed to conduct – on the Russian Territory – any event wherein FCI titles or prizes are awarded (CACIB shows, CACIT trials, CACIAG competitions, etc.).
In order to give the opportunity to our Members/Contract Partners and any other persons to express their solidarity and help towards the Ukrainian people, their dog lovers/breeders/keepers, the FCI will open a bank account, specially for this purpose, where all donations are welcome and will be forwarded, with full transparency, to help the Ukrainian Kennel Union (UKU) and the Ukrainian breeders badly affected by the war and in serious need, living either in Ukraine or having fled to neighboring countries.
The FCI will contribute to this fund in a substantial manner. Further details will be communicated in the following days.
The FCI is a huge community, a united and strong family so let us all stand up and show our of solidarity for Ukraine!
Članicam FCI in pogodbenim partnerjem,
FCI in Predsedstvo FCI uradno obsojata napad ruskih vojaških sil na Ukrajino. Smo zaskrbljeni žalostni in jezni, saj nas ta konflikt in agresija ne moreta pustiti indiferentne.
Ruska invazija v Ukrajini vpliva tudi na celotne družine naših vzrediteljev in lastnikov psov. Mnogi so morali zbežati, drugi poskušajo preživeti v nevarnih razmerah, v zakloniščih kjer je veliko pomanjkanje osnovnih potrebščin in hrane. Pa vendar v teh zahtevnih in groznih časih niso zapustil svojih psov!
Te grozljive okoliščine so v nasprotju s FCI prioritetami in priporočili za dobrobit kot tudi z našimi cilji in načeli.
V zvezi s to situacijo je Predsedstvo  FCI v soboto 27.02.2022 izvedel izredno sejo, na kateri smo sprejeli pomembne odločitve –  v skladu pravnih okvirjev FCI in Predsedstva FCI ter v skladu s statutom FCI.
Od 01.03.2022, do uradnega preklica , Ruska kinološka zveza na teritoriju Rusije nima pravice izvajati dogodkov kjer so podeljeni nazivi FCI (CACIB razstave, CACIT preizkušnje, CACIAG tekmovanja ipd.)
Z željo zagotovitve možnosti našim članicam in pogodbenim partnerjem ter drugi zainteresirani javnosti, da izrazijo svojo solidarnost  in pomoč Ukrajincem, njihovim ljubiteljem psov/vzrediteljem/lastnikom psov, je FCI odprl poseben bančni račun kjer sprejemamo vse donacije, ki bodo s popolno transparentnostjo posredovane naprej Ukrajinski kinološki zvezi ter njihovim vzrediteljem. Tako tistim, ki živijo v Ukrajini, kot tudi tistim, ki so že zbežali v sosednje države in so v tej vojni prizadeti in nujno potrebujejo pomoč.
FCI bo sam doniral večji znesek, vsa nadaljnja navodila sledijo v naslednjih nekaj dneh.
FCI skupnost je velika skupnost, povezana in močna družina, zatorej stopimo skupaj in izkažimo našo solidarnost z Ukrajino.

Dr T.Jakkel, FCI President

G.Jipping, FCI Vice-President

B.Müller, FCI Treasurer


R.de Santiago


J.Hindse, President of the FCI Europe Section

JL.Payro, President of the FCI Americas and Carribean Section

D.Santos, President of the FCI Asia, Africa and Oceania Section

Y. De Clercq, FCI Executive Director